Sunday, November 13

Busy Sunday

There are no classes today, but that doesn’t stop there being lots for me to do. I did a few hours of homework yesterday, and got done all my Charms homework and Herbology homework, but I still have Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts to work on. Luckily Potions is just theoretical. I have to write 2 rolls of parchment on the different uses of newt eyes in potions. It seems gross to write about newt eyes, but there are actually a lot of uses for them. I read in one of my textbooks that they are a key ingredient in the Polyjuice Potion, which will allow a person to take the form of another. I have many more, but I’ll save them for my essay. For my Defense Against the Dark Arts we have to research different types of magical amulets that are said to protect one from Dark forces. This has proven harder as most that I’ve found have been fakes meant to fool scared witches or wizards. Luckily, as always, doing homework in Ravenclaw tower is a pleasant time. There are plenty of tables with lots of space for spreading out books and papers and notes. The big windows make everything well lit and easy to see, and there is always some sort of refreshment on the coffee table near the fireplace. Today there is pumpkin flavored hot chocolate, a pot of tea, and a bowl of homemade potato crisps. I have a mug of the pumpkin hot cocoa here at my table with me and it is quite delicious. I guess I better get to work, if I can get my homework done before this evening, one of the other first year boys said he would teach me how to play Wizard’s Chess. I don’t know how that’s different from regular chess, but it should be interesting to learn!

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