Tuesday, November 1


Yesterday was Halloween at Hogwarts. Halloween is always fun, but especially when you go to a school for magic. The morning started off in Potions, and Professor Slughorn had clean cauldrons waiting for us. He informed us that in honor of the day, instead of brewing our normal potions we would be having a contest. The contest would be to see who could brew the best hot apple cider! And whoever did would get a prize. We all got to work, and enjoyed talking and laughing during the class. I had never made hot apple cider before, so I just added some cinnamon and nutmeg to my apple cider before heating it up. Professor Slughorn took a taste of everyone's cider, and in the end chose one of the Hufflepuff girls cauldron. He gave her a whole basket of cauldron cakes from Honeyduke's! She was very happy. We each got given a piece of Honeyduke's chocolate for being good participants.
Later that evening, there was a wonderful feast in the Great Hall. One of the professors had charmed jack-o-lanterns to float in the air. There were so many good things to eat, and more cakes and sweets than I've ever seen in one place! I ate so much I thought I would burst! I finally went back to the Ravenclaw Tower and went to bed. It was a wonderful Halloween.

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